F. Scott Fitzgerald

The Great Gatsby

Ebook (PDF Format)

Mercurial Jay Gatsby's destructive passion for Daisy Buchanan is played out against the background of Long Island high society. Viewed through the eyes of an outsider, Gatsby's life is the story of a generation - glitz and glamour turning sour, and the high life turning to ashes.Immersing you in the decadence of America's Jazz Age, The Great Gatsby is brought to life in this sizzling new stage adaptation. Recreating the sights, sounds and feel of America's 'Roaring Twenties' as seen through the eyes of Nick Carraway, F. Scott Fitzgerald's masterpiece is a brilliant evocation of a society obsessed with wealth and status.This masterful adaptati… Mehr

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  • ISBN: 978-1-4742-7513-2
  • EAN: 9781474275132
  • Produktnummer: 19555877
  • Verlag: Bloomsbury UK
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Erscheinungsjahr: 2015
  • Seitenangabe: 96 S.
  • Plattform: PDF
  • Masse: 3'460 KB
  • Auflage: 1. Auflage

Über den Autor

F. Scott Fitzgerald (1896-1940) was one of the finest American novelists of the twentieth century. Best known for his novels The Great Gatsby, The Beautiful and the Damned and Tender is the Night, he was also a master of the short story. His work has been adapted many times for both stage and screen.Stephen Sharkey is a Liverpool playwright based in London. He has had work produced throughout the UK. As well as many original works he has adapted classic novels for the stage, including The Picture of Dorian Gray and The Old Curiosity Shop. A founding member of The Miniaturists group, his plays The May Queen (2007) and Sex and the Three Day Week (2014) are published by Methuen Drama.

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