Jonathan Maberry

Dark of Night - Flesh and Fire


Dark of Night: The dead rose. We fell. The survivors are trapped in a world of monsters who prey on the helpless. Some of them are zombies...but they are not the only predators who feed on pain and suffering. DARK OF NIGHT is a story of worlds in collision. Three heroes who have survived the apocalypse are in a deadly race to save a busload of children from ravenous zombies and ruthless human scavengers. This brand new novella brings together three of New York Times bestseller Jonathan Maberry's award-winning novel series. Captai… Mehr

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Weitere Autoren: Lavin, Rachael / Mangum, Lucas
  • ISBN: 978-1-942712-91-6
  • EAN: 9781942712916
  • Produktnummer: 19657412
  • Verlag: Journalstone
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Erscheinungsjahr: 2016
  • Seitenangabe: 314 S.
  • Masse: H22.9 cm x B15.2 cm x D1.8 cm 485 g
  • Abbildungen: Paperback
  • Gewicht: 485

Über den Autor

Jonathan Maberry is a NY Times bestselling author, four-time Bram Stoker Award winner, and comic book writer. He writes horror, thrillers, mystery, fantasy, science fiction and suspense for adults and teens. His novels include Predator One, Code Zero, Rot & Ruin, Fall of Night, Ghost Road Blues, Patient Zero, and many others. Several of Jonathan's novels are in development for movies or TV including V-Wars, Extinction Machine, Rot & Ruin, and Dead of Night. He's the editor/co-author of V-Wars, a vampire-themed anthology; and is editor for a series of all-original X-FILES anthologies, the YA anthology Scary Out There, and the dark fantasy anthology Out of Tune. His V-Wars books have been developed as a board game. He is a popular featured expert on History Channel shows like Zombies: A Living History and Monsters, Myth and Legend. Since 1978 he's sold more than 1200 magazine feature articles, 3000 columns, two plays, greeting cards, song lyrics, and poetry. His comics include V-Wars, Rot & Ruin, Captain America: Hail Hydra, Bad Blood, Marvel Zombies Return and Marvel Universe VS The Avenger. He lives in Del Mar, California with his wife, Sara Jo and their dog, Rosie.

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