Orson Scott Card

Decision Points

Ebook (EPUB Format)

Life is full of decision points-those key moments when what we decide can change everything for better or for worse. These 20 tales describe such instances in young people's lives, ranging from tragic to triumphant, from horror to fantasy to science fiction. Written by authors new and old, those known for Young Adult writing and those known for Adult novels, a few new and barely known at all, these stories will make you think, make you laugh, make you feel angry, sad, determined, etc. as you examine choices and consequences and consider the many paths a life might take and think about your own. Edited by Hugo-nominated editor Bryan Thomas Sch… Mehr

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Weitere Autoren: Anderson, Kevin J. / Maberry, Jonathan
  • ISBN: 978-1-393-01493-5
  • EAN: 9781393014935
  • Produktnummer: 31692943
  • Verlag: WordFire Press
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Erscheinungsjahr: 2019
  • Plattform: EPUB
  • Masse: 844 KB

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