M. John Harrison

The Sunken Land Begins to Rise Again

Winner of the Goldsmiths Prize 2020

Ebook (EPUB Format)

Winner of the Goldsmiths Prize 2020, this is fiction that pushes the boundaries of the novel form.Shaw had a breakdown, but he's getting himself back together. He has a single room, a job on a decaying London barge, and an on-off affair with a doctor's daughter called Victoria, who claims to have seen her first corpse at age fourteen. It's not ideal, but it's a life. Or it would be if Shaw hadn't got himself involved in a conspiracy theory that, on dark nights by the river, seems less and less theoretical . . . Meanwhile, Victoria is up in the Midlands, renovating her dead mother's house, trying to make new friends. But what, exactly, happene… Mehr

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  • ISBN: 978-0-575-09637-0
  • EAN: 9780575096370
  • Produktnummer: 33168191
  • Verlag: Orion
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Erscheinungsjahr: 2020
  • Seitenangabe: 488 S.
  • Plattform: EPUB
  • Masse: 371 KB

Über den Autor

M. John Harrison

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