Edward Bond

Theatre in Times of Crisis

20 Scenes for the Stage in Troubled Times

Ebook (PDF Format)

Theatre has a complex history of responding to crises, long before they happen. Through stage plays, contemporary challenges can be presented, explored and even foreshadowed in ways that help audiences understand the world around them. Since the theatre of the Greeks, audiences have turned to live theatre in order to find answers in uncertain political, social and economic times, and through this unique collection questions about This anthology brings together a collection of 20 scenes from 20 playwrights that each respond to the world in crisis. Twenty of the world's most prolific playwrights were asked to select one scene from across their… Mehr

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Weitere Autoren: Gupta, Tanika / Khalil, Hannah / Malcolm, Morgan Lloyd / Mcdowall, Alistair / Patel, Vinay / Prebble, Lucy / Ridley, Philip / Shinn, Christopher / Stephens, Simon / Thorpe, Chris / Adebayo, Mojisola / Wade, Laura / Washburn, Anne / Bhuchar, Sudha / Bhatti, Gurpreet Kaur / Cooper, Zoe / Ya-Chu Cowhig, Frances / Crouch, Tim / Ellams, Inua / Graham, James / O'Hanlon, Dom (Hrsg.)
  • ISBN: 978-1-350-18881-5
  • EAN: 9781350188815
  • Produktnummer: 34945967
  • Verlag: Bloomsbury UK
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Erscheinungsjahr: 2020
  • Seitenangabe: 296 S.
  • Plattform: PDF
  • Masse: 7'124 KB

Über den Autor

Edward Bond is widely regarded as the UK's greatest and most influential playwright. His plays include The Pope's Wedding (Royal Court Theatre, 1962), Saved (Royal Court, 1965), Early Morning (Royal Court, 1968), Lear (Royal Court, 1971), The Sea (Royal Court, 1973), The Fool (Royal Court, 1975), The Woman (National Theatre, 1978), Restoration (Royal Court, 1981) and The War Plays (RSC at the Barbican Pit, 1985).

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