Clive Staples Lewis

The Complete Chronicles of Narnia


The seven chronicles of Narnia, bound together in one volume, with a special introduction, and colour versions of the outstanding original illustrations by Pauline Baynes. The first of several new editions being published this month to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the series.

CHF 59.50

Preise inkl. MwSt. und Versandkosten (Portofrei ab CHF 40.00)

Versandfertig innerhalb 1-3 Werktagen


Weitere Autoren: Baynes, Pauline (Illustr.)
  • ISBN: 978-0-00-710024-8
  • EAN: 9780007100248
  • Produktnummer: 3616304
  • Verlag: Harper Collins
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Erscheinungsjahr: 2000
  • Seitenangabe: 523 S.
  • Masse: H29.2 cm x B22.8 cm x D3.8 cm 2'098 g
  • Abbildungen: Farb. Abb.
  • Gewicht: 2098

Über den Autor

CLIVE STAPLES LEWIS (1898-1963) was one of the intellectual giants of the twentieth century and arguably one of the most influential writers of his day. He was a fellow and tutor in English Literature at Oxford University until 1954 when he was unanimously elected to the Chair of Medieval and Renaissance English at Cambridge University, a position he held until his retirement. He wrote more than thirty books, allowing him to reach a vast audience, and his works continue to attract thousands of new readers every year. His most distinguished and popular accomplishments include Mere Christianity, Out of the Silent Planet, The Great Divorce, The Screwtape Letters, and the universally acknowledged classics, the Chronicles of Narnia. To date, the Narnia books have sold over 100 million copies and been transformed into three major motion pictures.

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