Bill Doyle

The Prizewinners of Piedmont Place


The lovable wackiness of Modern Family meets zany contests in this delightful new series that will have readers laughing out loud! Cal Talaska can't wait for his family to win the Great Grab Contest! The prize? Twenty minutes to grab anything in the world-famous Wish Shoppe! He knows his family will leave the competition in the dust, but first he has to convince them to compete! To get their eyes on the prize, Cal focuses on what his family wants from the Wish Shoppe-a gym for Mom, a whole orchestra for Dad, tools to build a spaceship for little sister Imo, and candy for baby brother Bug! Cal would do anything to get them to compete, eve… Mehr

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Weitere Autoren: Jack, Colin
  • ISBN: 978-0-553-52180-1
  • EAN: 9780553521801
  • Produktnummer: 20441681
  • Verlag: Random House N.Y.
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Erscheinungsjahr: 2017
  • Seitenangabe: 208 S.
  • Reihenbandnummer: 01
  • Sonstiges: Ab 8 - 12 J.

Über den Autor

Bill Doyle grew up in Michigan and wrote his first story-a funny whodunit-when he was eight. Since then, he's written other action-packed books for kids, like Attack of the Shark-Headed Zombie, Stampede of the Supermarket Slugs, Everest: You Decide How to Survive, the Crime Through Time series, the Behind Enemy Lines series, and The Prizewinners of Piedmont Place series. He lives in New York City with two winning weiner dogs. Visit him online at

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