The New Yorker Magazine

The 60s: The Story of a Decade


This fascinating anthology collects notable New Yorker pieces from the most tumultuous years of the twentieth century-including work by James Baldwin, Pauline Kael, Sylvia Plath, Roger Angell, and Muriel Spark-alongside new assessments of the 1960s by some of today's finest writers.Here are real-time accounts of these years, brought to immediate and profound life: Calvin Trillin reports on the integration of Southern universities, E. B. White and John Updike wrestle with the enormity of the Kennedy assassination, and Jonathan Schell travels with American troops into the jungles of Vietnam. Some of the truly timeless works of American journali… Mehr

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Weitere Autoren: Finder, Henry / Remnick, David / Adler, Renata / Arendt, Hannah
  • ISBN: 978-0-8129-8331-9
  • EAN: 9780812983319
  • Produktnummer: 22331266
  • Verlag: Random House N.Y.
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Erscheinungsjahr: 2017
  • Seitenangabe: 720 S.

Über den Autor

The New Yorker began publishing in 1925.

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