Howard Zinn

The Unraveling of the Bush Presidency


Here, in the magisterial yet plain-spoken style of A People's History of the United States, is historian Howard Zinn's long-awaited telling of these last six years of United States history, a time when catastrophic machinations of war have dictated our foreign and domestic policy, and when voices of resistance have appeared in the unlikeliest places.Perhaps more than any other American, Howard Zinn has helped us understand ourselves by deepening our understanding of our own history.

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  • ISBN: 978-1-58322-769-5
  • EAN: 9781583227695
  • Produktnummer: 2799856
  • Verlag: Random House N.Y.
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Erscheinungsjahr: 2007
  • Seitenangabe: 48 S.

Über den Autor

HOWARD ZINN's (1922-2010) great subject isn't war, but peace. After his experience as a bombardier in World War II, he became convinced that there could be no such thing as a just war, as the vast majority of modern warfare's victims are made up of innocent civilians. In his books, including A People's History of the United States and its companion volume, Voices of a People's History of the United States, Zinn affirms the power of the masses to influence major events. Through a lifetime of pointed scholarship and principled civil disobedience, he has led and continues to lead generations in the ways of peace.

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