Paul Auster

Sunset Park


Paul Auster's SUNSET PARK is as mythic as it is contemporary. It is a story about love and forgiveness - not only among men and women, but also between fathers and sons. Miles is haunted by guilt for having inadvertently caused the death of his step-brother, a situation that caused him to flee his father and step-mother in New York 7 years ago. But when Miles decides to go back to Brooklyn, he settles in a squat to prepare himself to face the inevitable confrontation with his father that he has been avoiding for years.

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  • ISBN: 978-0-571-25881-9
  • EAN: 9780571258819
  • Produktnummer: 10179995
  • Verlag: Faber & Faber
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Erscheinungsjahr: 2011
  • Seitenangabe: 320 S.
  • Ausstattung: A-Format Paperback
  • Masse: H17.9 cm x B11.3 cm x D2.5 cm 181 g
  • Gewicht: 181

Über den Autor

Paul Auster is the best-selling author of Invisible, Moon Palace, Mr Vertigo, The Brooklyn Follies, The Book of Illusions and The New York Trilogy, among many other works. In 2006 he was awarded the Prince of Asturias Prize for Literature and inducted into the American Academy of Arts and Letters.Among his other honours are the Independent Spirit Award for the screenplay of Smoke and the Prix Medicis Etranger for Leviathan. He has also been short-listed for both the International IMPAC Dublin Literary Award (The Book of Illusions) and the PEN/Faulkner Award for Fiction (The Music of Chance). His work has been translated into more than thirty languages.He lives in Brooklyn, New York.

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