Christian H. Weiss

An Introduction to Discrete-Valued Time Series

Ebook (PDF Format)

A much-needed introduction to the field of discrete-valued time series, with a focus on count-data time series Time series analysis is an essential tool in a wide array of fields, including business, economics, computer science, epidemiology, finance, manufacturing and meteorology, to name just a few. Despite growing interest in discrete-valued time series - especially those arising from counting specific objects or events at specified times - most books on time series give short shrift to that increasingly important subject area. An Introduction to Discrete-Valued Time Series seeks to rectify that state of affairs by providing a much need… Mehr

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  • ISBN: 978-1-119-09698-6
  • EAN: 9781119096986
  • Produktnummer: 25240648
  • Verlag: Wiley
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Erscheinungsjahr: 2017
  • Seitenangabe: 304 S.
  • Plattform: PDF
  • Masse: 6'664 KB

Über den Autor

CHRISTIAN H. WEISS is a professor in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Helmut Schmidt University, Hamburg, Germany. His main area of research is discrete-valued time series. He has published numerous articles in this area and given lectures about time series analysis and discrete-valued time series. He has also written five lecture books in German.

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