George Saunders

Lincoln in the Bardo



From the bestselling and Folio Prize-winning author, George Saunders, comes a compelling story about Abraham Lincoln and the untimely, tragic death of his 11-year old son. Swiftly moving into a supernatural realm which is both hilarious and terrifying, Willie Lincoln is trapped in this transitional world called the bardo. Unfolding in one single night, ghosts mingle and squabble over the boy's young soul. An extraordinary novel, it poses one timeless and thought-provoking question: how do we live and love when we know that everything we hold dear must end?

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  • ISBN: 978-1-4088-7174-4
  • EAN: 9781408871744
  • Produktnummer: 20593624
  • Verlag: Bloomsbury
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Erscheinungsjahr: 2017
  • Seitenangabe: 368 S.
  • Masse: H24.3 cm x B16.3 cm x D3.2 cm 677 g
  • Gewicht: 677

Über den Autor

George Saunders is the author of nine books, including Lincoln in the Bardo, winner of the 2017 Man Booker Prize. Tenth of December was a finalist for the National Book Award and won the inaugural Folio Prize. He has received MacArthur and Guggenheim fellowships and the PEN/Malamud Prize for excellence in the short story, and was recently elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. In 2013, he was named one of the world's 100 most influential people by Time magazine. He teaches in the creative writing program at Syracuse

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