Mickey Rogers

masterMind 2nd Edition AE Level 1 Student's Book Pack

The Student¿s Book Pack contains a visually-engaging print Student¿s Book and online resources. Each unit incorporates the course theme of life skills, along with Grammar sections, support boxes and a writing syllabus. A DVD is included and a webcode providing access to the Student¿s Resource Center where video worksheets and audio are available.

CHF 53.90

Preise inkl. MwSt. und Versandkosten (Portofrei ab CHF 40.00)

Versandfertig innerhalb 1-3 Werktagen


Weitere Autoren: Taylore-Knowles, Joanne / Taylore-Knowles, Steve
  • ISBN: 978-0-230-46971-6
  • EAN: 9780230469716
  • Produktnummer: 17484427
  • Verlag: Macmillan Education
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Erscheinungsjahr: 2015
  • Masse: H30.2 cm x B21.2 cm x D1.0 cm 552 g
  • Gewicht: 552
  • Sonstiges: ELT / TEFL

Über den Autor

Steve Taylore-Knowles has been involved in ELT for over 20 years as a teacher, examiner, trainer and author. He holds BA (Hons) and MA degrees from the University of Warwick and is a Licentiate of Trinity College, London (Dip TESOL). His most recent courses, published by Macmillan, are Open Mind (2014) and the American English Mind series. He has also written a number of other successful courses including Laser and Destination. He served on the Executive Board of TESOL Greece and regularly speaks on various aspects of English Language Teaching at conferences and events around the world. He has now relocated to his home county of Lancashire in the north-west of England, where he lives with his wife and young daughter. He regularly speaks on various aspects of ELT at conferences and events around the world and enjoys the fact that his work takes him to so many diverse places. When he's not working Steve tries to find time to go fishing and learn golf. Mickey Rogers Growing up in Texas, surrounded by animals, I always knew that I would become a veterinarian. I guess that's why I became an English teacher. Of course, my dream of being a vet was way before people were talking about things like multiple intelligences - all I knew was that I wasn't exactly gifted in the areas of math and science. But I always had a book in my hand, and I was fairly adept at stringing together more than two words at a time, so my future seemed to lie more with words than with numbers and formulas. I graduated from the University of Texas in 1975 with a degree in Spanish and Portuguese, and with my diploma in hand, promptly got a job as a tree surgeon. Doing physical labor in Texas in August was not my idea of a good time, nor was it a very promising career path, so I decided to get out of the trees and go to graduate school. While I was in graduate school, I began teaching at the University of Texas Intensive English Program in Austin, where I taught off and on for about 10 years. After finishing my Master's in TEFL in 1980, I went to Bogotá, where I taught at the Centro Colombo-Americano and obtained an advanced degree in going to parties and dancing. Since then, I have taught English in Sevilla, Barcelona, San Francisco, and again, Austin. I was teaching there in 1987 when a colleague asked me if I wanted to go to Mexico City and work for a publisher. I said no, thinking that it was an awfully big city, and also that you probably couldn't get Texas barbecue there. Having said no, I moved to Mexico City in 1988, where I have been ever since. At Macmillan, I have worked as a teacher trainer, a sales rep, an editor, a managing editor, a manager of academic services, and finally as a freelance author, which should give me more free time but doesn't. I co-wrote Style, Skyline and Attitude. Joanne Taylore-Knowles.

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