Michael Scott Doyle

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CHF 218.00

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Weitere Autoren: Fryer, T. Bruce
  • ISBN: 978-1-337-55497-8
  • EAN: 9781337554978
  • Produktnummer: 23939973
  • Verlag: Heinle Elt
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Erscheinungsjahr: 2018
  • Seitenangabe: 640 S.
  • Masse: H25.1 cm x B20.3 cm x D2.8 cm 1'220 g
  • Auflage: 7. A.
  • Gewicht: 1220

Über den Autor

Dr. Michael Scott Doyle (PhD, University of Virginia) is a Professor of Spanish, Business Spanish and Business Language Studies, and Translation Studies at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. He served as a Distinguished Visiting Professor of Spanish at the United States Air Force Academy during the 2013-2014 academic year. At UNC Charlotte he chaired the Department of Foreign Languages from 1993-99. He has also served as Graduate Director, Director of the Certificate in Business Spanish, and Director of the undergraduate and graduate Certificates in Translating and Translation Studies at UNC Charlotte. He chaired the Department of Spanish and Portuguese at San Diego State University (1991-93). To date, Dr. Doyle has 87 publications (71 single-authored), among them 14 books (12 co-authored, 1 translation, and 1 guest-edited monographic volume), 4 book chapters, 35 articles and essays, 1 case study, 7 interviews, 1 edited proceedings volume, and 11 translations (short-story length). Most recently, he is the author of four articles on Business Spanish, Business Language Studies, and Language for the Professions and Specific Purposes: Business Language Studies in the United States: On Nomenclature, Context, Theory, and Method (The Modern Language Journal); Business Spanish in the United States: Evolution, Method and Markets (Cuadernos de ALDEEU); Continuing Provisional Theoretical Cartography in the LSP Era (Scholarship and Teaching on Languages for Specific Purposes); and Core Didactic Thematics and Methodology in Business Spanish: Developing Leadership with Integrity as a Priority for Language for the Professions and Specific Purposes (Hispania). He is certified by the American Translators Association (ATA) in both Spanish to English and English to Spanish translation.T. Bruce Fryer (PhD, University of Texas-Austin) is Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Spanish at the University of South Carolina-Columbia where he taught from 1970-2005. He worked with the Master's of International Business Program for 28 years, and for 22 years he directed Faculty Development in International Business (FDIB) workshops for Spanish professors through the Center for International Business (CIBER) at USC. He has worked in the area of language for business and the professions in Colombia, Costa Rica, Mexico, Venezuela, Costa Rica, Spain, Puerto Rico, and Trinidad and Tobago and he continues to serve on numerous editorial boards for business language instruction. He is co-author or editor of twenty articles or chapters dealing with the preparation of teachers for the professions, appearing in the Modern Language Journal, Hispania, and Foreign Language Annals, and 15 books including Spanish for the Business Traveler, and Spanish and Portuguese for Business and the Professions (AATSP), along with this text. He is author of Languages for Specific Purposes: Curriculum Creation and Implementation in the United States in the focus issue on Language for Special Purposes for The Modern Language Journal (2012). Results of his Fulbright study in Equatorial Guinea were published in the Afro-Hispanic Review. In a career spanning 55 years, he has taught Spanish language, linguistics, and culture at all levels of instruction. He most recently has taught at the University of South Carolina-Beaufort (2006-2016).


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