Michael Hensel

Performance-Oriented Architecture

Rethinking Architectural Design and the Built Environment

Ebook (PDF Format)

Architecture is on the brink. It is a discipline in crisis. Over the last two decades, architectural debate has diversified to the point of fragmentation and exhaustion. What is called for is an overarching argument or set of criteria on which to approach the design and construction of the built environment. Here, the internationally renowned architect and educator Michael Hensel advocates an entirely different way of thinking about architecture. By favouring a new focus on performance, he rejects longstanding conventions in design and the built environment. This not only bridges the gap between academia and practice, but, even more signific… Mehr

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  • ISBN: 978-1-118-57012-8
  • EAN: 9781118570128
  • Produktnummer: 16377250
  • Verlag: Wiley
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Erscheinungsjahr: 2013
  • Seitenangabe: 152 S.
  • Plattform: PDF
  • Masse: 37'175 KB

Über den Autor

Michael Hensel is an architect, researcher, educator and writer. He is Professor of Architecture at the Oslo School of Architecture and Design where he directs the Research Center for Architecture and Tectonics. He cofounded OCEAN in 1994, and is founding and current chairman of the OCEAN Design Research Association and the Sustainable Environment Association, as well as an editorial board member of Architectural Design (AD). He has co-guest-edited five titles of AD, including seminal issues on emergence and the architecture of Turkey and Iran. He is currently writing The Handbook for Traditional Sustainable Buildings for John Wiley & Sons.

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