Paul (Hrsg.) Betts

Pain and Prosperity: Reconsidering Twentieth-Century German History


This highly important work uses the leitmotiv of pain and prosperity to illuminate German history, with excellent essays that explore how these notions shaped each other, and how they framed German conceptions of identity, memory, selfhood, nationhood, and the past. --Alon Confino, University of Virginia

CHF 111.00

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Weitere Autoren: Eghigian, Greg (Hrsg.)
  • ISBN: 978-0-8047-3937-5
  • EAN: 9780804739375
  • Produktnummer: 1439567
  • Verlag: Stanford Univ Pr
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Erscheinungsjahr: 2002
  • Seitenangabe: 288 S.
  • Masse: H23.3 cm x B15.6 cm x D2.2 cm 503 g
  • Auflage: New
  • Gewicht: 503

Über den Autor

Paul Betts is Lecturer in Modern German History at the University of Sussex. He is the author of the forthcoming book The Pathos of Everyday Objects: A Cultural History of West German Industrial Design, 1945-1965. Greg Eghigian is Associate Professor of Modern European History at Penn State University. He is the author of Making Security Social: Disability, Insurance, and the Birth of the Social Entitlement State in Germany and the coeditor of Sacrifice and National Belonging in Twentieth-Century Germany.

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