Massimo Campanini

The Qur'an

The Basics

Ebook (PDF Format)

This second edition of a popular introduction to the Qur'an includes an essential updated reference guide, including a chronology of the revelation, links to internet resources, and suggestions for further reading. Exploring the Qur'an's reception through history, its key teachings, and its place in contemporary thought and belief, this volume analyzes: the Qur'an as the word of God; its reception and communication by the Prophet Muhammad; the structure and language of the text; conceptions of God, the holy law, and jihad; and Islamic commentaries on Qur'anic teachings through the ages. The Qur'an: The Basics, Second Edition is a concise and… Mehr

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  • ISBN: 978-1-317-21399-4
  • EAN: 9781317213994
  • Produktnummer: 20178266
  • Verlag: Taylor & Francis Ltd.
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Erscheinungsjahr: 2016
  • Seitenangabe: 160 S.
  • Plattform: PDF
  • Masse: 773 KB
  • Auflage: 2. Auflage

Über den Autor

Massimo Campanini is Professor of Islamic Studies at the University of Trento, Italy.

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