Virpi Timonen

Beyond successful and active ageing

A theory of model ageing

Ebook (EPUB Format)

This controversial book argues that concepts such as 'successful' and 'active' ageing - ubiquitous terms in research, marketing and policy making concerned with older adults - are potentially dangerous paradigms that reflect and exacerbate inequalities in older populations. This author presents a new theory to make sense of the popularity of these 'successful' and 'active' ageing concepts. Readers are invited to view them through the prism of Model Ageing - a theory that throws light on the causes and consequences of attempts to model ageing as a phenomenon and stage of life that is in need of direction, reshaping and control. This is essen… Mehr

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  • ISBN: 978-1-4473-3019-6
  • EAN: 9781447330196
  • Produktnummer: 20521868
  • Verlag: Policy Press
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Erscheinungsjahr: 2016
  • Seitenangabe: 132 S.
  • Plattform: EPUB
  • Masse: 281 KB
  • Auflage: 1. Auflage

Über den Autor

Virpi Timonen is Professor in Social Policy and Ageing at the School of Social Work and Social Policy, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland. Her research focuses on intergenerational relationships and policy pertaining to older adults. In 2014-2018, she serves as the President of the Research Committee on the Sociology of Ageing (RC11) of the International Sociological Association.

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