Emmanuelle (Hrsg.) Rigaud-Lacresse

New Luxury Management

Creating and Managing Sustainable Value Across the Organization


Presenting a vision of the luxury sector and its management, this edited book describes the new luxury through a comprehensive view of the value chain, from concept to market. The authors argue that the main characteristics of luxury are linked to specific resources and competencies found throughout the value chain and that value is a result of the interaction between the brand and stakeholders, and more precisely with their clients. Taking an interdisciplinary approach, New Luxury Management encompasses both strategic and functional aspects of luxury management, providing innovative solutions to the successful creation and management of valu… Mehr

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Weitere Autoren: Pini, Fabrizio Maria (Hrsg.)
  • ISBN: 978-3-319-41726-4
  • EAN: 9783319417264
  • Produktnummer: 20035376
  • Verlag: Springer-Verlag GmbH
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Erscheinungsjahr: 2017
  • Seitenangabe: 311 S.
  • Masse: H21.6 cm x B15.3 cm x D2.3 cm 548 g
  • Abbildungen: Book; 27 schwarz-weiße Abbildungen, Bibliographie
  • Gewicht: 548

Über den Autor

Emmanuelle Rigaud-Lacresse is the co-Director of the International Master in Luxury Management at Neoma Business School, France, and an Associate researcher at i3-CRG École polytechnique, Université Paris-Saclay. Emmanuelle had previously worked for international luxury companies (such as Yves Saint Laurent, LVMH Group) - for over 15 years. Her research focuses on brand strategy and luxury brand management.Fabrizio Maria Pini is the co-Director of the International Master in Luxury Management and adjunct professor at Mip-Politecnico di Milano, Italy, and collaborates with the Training and Development Center, Bovisa University, Milan. Fabrizio has taught in various universities in Italy and abroad and has worked as a consultant for many multinational companies. His research focus on brand management and digital marketing.

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