Else Byskov

The Art of Attraction

Ebook (EPUB Format)

Do you want to know the secrets to the Law of Attraction?¿The Art of Attraction¿ is a book that will shake, amaze and enlighten you. It will teach you how to become a master attractor of everything you want. The law of attraction is the most powerful natural law of the universe and it rules your life whether you know about it or not and whether you want it to or not. So it is no good being ignorant about how the law works.This book will explain how the law of attraction works based on the insights of two Law of Attraction experts: Martinus and Abraham. As far back as 1932 Martinus wrote about the law of attraction, and in the 1980s Abraham st… Mehr

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  • ISBN: 978-1-5337-3776-2
  • EAN: 9781533737762
  • Produktnummer: 31150636
  • Verlag: Else Byskov
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Erscheinungsjahr: 2016
  • Plattform: EPUB

Über den Autor

Else Byskov is one of the world's leading authorities on the groundbreaking work of Martinus (1890-1981), the Danish philosopher, visionary and mystic. Before she came across the Martinus material (comprising over 9000 pages), Else was a convinced atheist for many years, so it came as quite a surprise to her when she became the author of a series of spiritual books. During a period of intense soul-searching and seeking more meaningful answers to life's big questions, an astonishing dash of universal wisdom led Else to a book about the Danish Mystic - it literally fell into her hands. She was so enthralled by what she found, and the incredibly logical answers that she had never been able to find anywhere about life, death, and the mystery of both, that she had to tell people about it. Her passion was so intense that she wrote her first book, 'Death Is An Illusion', (a general introduction to Martinus¿ fantastic world picture), and her body of work to bring the incredible Martinus wisdom to a wider audience has continued to this day. Else has written 4 more books covering the profound aspects of Martinus' world view: 'The Art of Attraction' (about the law of attraction, including totally unknown aspects of the law), 'The Undiscovered Country' (presenting all the evidence for life after death), 'The Beginning Is Near' (previously called 'Ten Great Ways to Understand the World') (a short introduction to the Martinus material in 10 easy steps) and ¿The Downfall of Marriage¿- an explanation of the transformation of our sexual poles. Else Byskov is Danish, has two university degrees in Spanish and English philology and she writes mostly in English, so that Martinus' work can reach a wider audience.

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