David Robinson

Lucy and the Waterfox


Lucy is a little red fox who has a secret; she can fly. Her heart soars when she takes to the skies. One afternoon, after her fellow foxes see her flying, they shame her, yelling, Everyone knows that foxes can't fly. Lucy hears their words and for a brief moment, believes them, and falls to the ground. This only reinforces her self-doubt. She begins to lose her playful spunk and the sheen of her coat grows duller by the day. Lucy has become a sad, disheartened, and disempowered little fox. One night the wise old story fox appears out of the forest to share an evening of foxlore with Lucy's pack. He tells the story of Milton, a young f… Mehr

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  • ISBN: 978-1-4120-2292-7
  • EAN: 9781412022927
  • Produktnummer: 36645433
  • Verlag: Trafford Publishing
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Erscheinungsjahr: 2004
  • Seitenangabe: 34 S.
  • Masse: H21.6 cm x B21.6 cm x D0.2 cm 121 g
  • Abbildungen: Paperback
  • Gewicht: 121

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