Michael Archer

Keith Tyson: Iterations and Variations


The definitive survey of Keith Tyson's thirty-year career. British Turner Prize-winning artist Keith Tyson is known for a distinctive and diverse body of work including drawing, painting, installation and sculpture. Showing a wide range of influences, from mathematics and science through to poetry and mythology, he is interested in how art emerges from the combination of information systems and physical processes that surround us every day.For over thirty years, Tyson has probed, dissected, explored and questioned reality. Not fixed to one artistic style, Tyson sets out to challenge himself and the audience, whilst working with diverse mater… Mehr

CHF 112.00

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Weitere Autoren: Koek, Ariane / Rappolt, Mark / Collings, Matthew / Ruf, Beatrix
  • ISBN: 978-0-500-02393-8
  • EAN: 9780500023938
  • Produktnummer: 36666652
  • Verlag: Thames & Hudson
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Erscheinungsjahr: 2022
  • Seitenangabe: 400 S.
  • Masse: H31.6 cm x B26.0 cm x D4.5 cm 2'941 g
  • Abbildungen: Illustrated in colour
  • Gewicht: 2941

Über den Autor

Michael Archer is Professor Emeritus, Goldsmiths, University of London. As well as in books and numerous catalogues, his writing on art has appeared in Artforum, Parkett and Art Monthly.Matthew Collings is a British artist, art critic, writer and broadcaster.Ariane Koek is known internationally for her work in the arts, science and technology. She founded the Arts at CERN programme in 2009, which she directed for five years. Mark Rappolt is Editor-in-Chief of ArtReview and ArtReview Asia.Beatrix Ruf is the Director of the Hartwig Art Foundation, Amsterdam, and Consulting Director Strategies and Programming for the Garage Museum of Contemporary Art, Moscow.

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