Pratyush Bhattacharya

Decoding Zodiac with Vedic Astrology

Vol I: Rasi-Graha Interactions


Decoding Zodiac Vol I is a classic exploration of the bedrock of astrology, as it deciphers the connections between the Rasis (zodiac signs), and the Grahas (often mistakenly called planets).Pratyush's lucid and detailed exposition unleashes astrology from the deceptive veil of secrecy and algorithmize it to untangle our trueselves. The thoroughly explained, expressive, and extensive theory, methodically arranged in a systematic manner, makes a beginner's journey easy-going, yet ecstatic and wondrous. This book aims to make astrology available as a scientific paradigm, thereby presenting it as a tool to efficiently dissect and color-code thei… Mehr

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Weitere Autoren: Chatterjee, Moumita (Hrsg.) / Wilhelm, Ernst (Hrsg.)
  • ISBN: 978-1-4583-1179-5
  • EAN: 9781458311795
  • Produktnummer: 38885653
  • Verlag:
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Erscheinungsjahr: 2022
  • Seitenangabe: 514 S.
  • Masse: H22.9 cm x B15.2 cm x D2.7 cm 736 g
  • Abbildungen: Paperback
  • Gewicht: 736

Über den Autor

Author:Pratyush Bhattacharya is a high-school Physics educator and a Vedic astrologer, based in Kolkata, India. Hisfascination about the inner workings of the human mind has led him to explore, study and master various avenues of psychoanalysis - the primary among them being Astrology. His extensive study engaging the realms of psychology, mythology, artificial intelligence, Yoga and abstract mathematics, has made the astoundingconnections between modern science and ancient Yogic wisdom apparent and perhaps obvious to him. Thisrealization, merged with his passion for teaching finds expression in his first work - Decoding Zodiac Vol I, where he presents Astrology on a sound scientific footing. His expertise as a counelling Astrologer has earned him a clientele all over the world. Presently he is devoted to writing Decoding Zodiac Vol II, in an attemptto decrypt the astrological houses.Editors:Ernst Wilhelm is a world class astrologer, educator, research scholar & an expert in the Sanskrit language with several publications of his own. He is Pratyush's mentor in all things astrological, and is considered as a Guru of astrology in the international community.Moumita Chatterjee is a young and brilliant student of Physics, Astrology and music; who has teamed up with her mentor Pratyush to learn and explore various avenues of the transmundane. Her command on language and passion for the occult sciences makes her the perfect candidate to edit this book.Illustrators:Arijit Gupta, Samriddhi Mitra & Swarup Ranjan Paul are the proverbial new kids on the block who are passionate and dedicated about all things involving digital graphics and design. Hailing from a strong background in computer administration, this trio was perfect for illustrating an Astrology book which strives to merge the psychoanalysis with the age old principles of mysticism.


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