Richard J. Platt

Massage Therapist Success Mindset

Success Principles for the Massage Therapist Entrepreneur

Ebook (EPUB Format)

Massage Therapist Success Mindset is an eye opening, practical guide for success which focuses on a crucial element that is not taught in massage school; mindset.Within Massage Therapist Success Mindset, Richard J Platt leverages his knowledge and experience of being a massage therapist business owner and a clinical hypnotherapist for nearly a decade. He applies this information to educate and empower massage therapists to become change agents within their industry. Richard's approach is centered around raising awareness that career success is created through a multitude of subconscious beliefs picked up from childhood, which is responsible f… Mehr

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  • ISBN: 978-1-64279-872-2
  • EAN: 9781642798722
  • Produktnummer: 34123947
  • Verlag: Morgan James Publishing
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Erscheinungsjahr: 2020
  • Plattform: EPUB
  • Masse: 471 KB

Über den Autor

Richard J Platt is a massage therapist, clinical hypnotherapist, and business growth & development coach who studied in both Canada and Germany. Through his ongoing studies of the subconscious mind, working both physically and mentally with clients for over 11 years, Richard utilizes his depth of knowledge to help his many clients consciously remove the mental roadblocks that prevents them from achieving success in their massage career. Richard has been privileged to be trained and mentored in Toronto, Canada by one of the world's leaders in human growth and potential, Bob Proctor, who also starred in the hit movie documentary, The Secret (2006). He has appeared on several podcast interviews and is known for the publishing of his massage therapist success mindset weekly blog where he discusses everything massage industry success. Richard now resides in beautiful Vancouver, Canada where he focuses on educating massage therapists through his publishing and his 8-week online program, Massage Therapist Success Fundamentals.

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