Ann Morris

Bread, Bread, Bread


Bread is a food enjoyed by people in all parts of the world. Its many shapes, sizes, textures, and colors are as varied as the people who eat it. This photographic round-the-world tour provides a glimpse into the rich variety of world cultures, as well as an informative look at an important food that everyone agrees is as necessary as water and air.

CHF 21.50

Preise inkl. MwSt. und Versandkosten (Portofrei ab CHF 40.00)

Versandfertig innerhalb 1-3 Werktagen


Weitere Autoren: Heyman, Ken (Illustr.)
  • ISBN: 978-0-688-06334-4
  • EAN: 9780688063344
  • Produktnummer: 9329597
  • Verlag: Harper Collins (US)
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Erscheinungsjahr: 1989
  • Seitenangabe: 32 S.
  • Sonstiges: Ab 4 - 8 J.

Über den Autor


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