Ferdinand De Saussure

Course in General Linguistics

Ebook (EPUB Format)

The founder of modern linguistics, Ferdinand de Saussure inaugurated semiology, structuralism, and deconstruction and made possible the work of Jacques Derrida, Roland Barthes, Michel Foucault, and Jacques Lacan, thus enabling the development of French feminism, gender studies, New Historicism, and postcolonialism. Based on Saussure's lectures, Course in General Linguistics (1916) traces the rise and fall of the historical linguistics in which Saussure was trained, the synchronic or structural linguistics with which he replaced it, and the new look of diachronic linguistics that followed this change. Most important, Saussure presents the prin… Mehr

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Weitere Autoren: Meisel, Perry (Hrsg.) / Saussy, Haun (Hrsg.) / Baskin, Wade (Übers.)
  • ISBN: 978-0-231-52795-8
  • EAN: 9780231527958
  • Produktnummer: 22650586
  • Verlag: Columbia University Press
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Erscheinungsjahr: 2011
  • Plattform: EPUB
  • Masse: 17'415 KB

Über den Autor

Ferdinand de Saussure. Translated by Wade Baskin. Edited by Perry Meisel and Haun Saussy

9 weitere Werke von Ferdinand De Saussure:


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