Ab. Geminis Oñate

Legal entities as subjects of copyright in COESCCI

In works created under an employment relationship


With the promulgation of the Organic Code of the Social Economy of Knowledge, Creativity and Innovation in the Ecuadorian legislation, a new labor-intellectual regime emerges, which grants to the worker the full enjoyment of the author's rights over the work and the cession as a derivative holder to the legal entities or employers. If the employer makes investments, provides creative employment opportunities that would not otherwise exist, organizes the production of the working materials, the distribution, and the salariedauthor receives a salary from the employer; the employee's creation is the consideration he/she has to pay for the salary… Mehr

CHF 52.90

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  • ISBN: 978-620-4-27300-6
  • EAN: 9786204273006
  • Produktnummer: 38015620
  • Verlag: Our Knowledge Publishing
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Erscheinungsjahr: 2021
  • Seitenangabe: 60 S.
  • Masse: H22.0 cm x B15.0 cm x D0.4 cm 107 g
  • Abbildungen: Paperback
  • Gewicht: 107

Über den Autor

Ab. Geminis Neidi Oñate PizaEscritor & EducadorNascido no Equador-Prov. Los Ríos, Babahoyo.Licenciado pela Universidade Laica Vicente Rocafuerte de Guayaquil.

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